Of the most effective and spectacular wolf hunting strategies, the undisputed leader is round-up hunting with the use of flags. The implementation of this hunting strategy is to impose special ropes with tied flags on the place where the pack of wolves has been calculated by the hunters. The approximate number of predators in the salary (or circle) zone is also calculated. After the location is established, several experienced hunters actively start flagging this area. For this, a strong cord is pulled with tied flags and tied around the entire supposed perimeter of the prey zone.
Wolf hunting with salary
Usually, the cord, together with the tied flags, is formed by a coil containing 1 km of tape with flags. A loop is knitted at the end of a coil-coil, the other end is tied with a wooden claw, having a length of 6-8 cm. The knot secures the end of the next coil.
A rope is stretched with flags in a taut state, at a height of 60-70 centimeters from ground level. It is also permissible to broach on bushes, along branches and in other places, provided that the rope with flags is clearly visible to the outgoing wolves. In winter, the cord is located 20-30 centimeters from the snow cover.
The success of this type of flag hunting depends entirely on the quality of training and the coordination of the hunting team. The flags are hung strictly at a distance of 30 cm from the ground level of the snow. In winter, this type of fishing is notoriously difficult. It’s all about the significant expansion of the habitat of each wolf family. For the effectiveness of flag hunting, the area where the flock is located should be spotted in advance by an experienced ranger or hunters in order to cut off the empty territory as much as possible. Then, the situation with the movement of the flock is secretly monitored, an approximate track count of the number of individuals, possible manholes and the location of the den. The accuracy and thoroughness of hunting preparation depends entirely on its effectiveness.
Hunting for bait
Hunting wolves by experienced hunters is carried out in a certain place to ensure a successful hunt from a tower or from an ambush. Near the place where the hunter is planned to be placed, meat is laid out, which serves as a bait. After that, the hunter waits for the appearance of wolves, being on the tower or in ambush.
The bait is located near clearings, forest edges, as well as near roads. If this condition is met, wolves will visit the bait much more often and stay at this place longer. The reason for the effectiveness of this location of the bait in the features of the habits of the wolf. When an animal has the opportunity to contemplate its surroundings at a very distant distance, it behaves calmly. The main purpose of laying out bait is to keep wolves from forced migration in search of food and a place to spend their days. And, of course, every experienced hunter knows that a wolf that has eaten well, having reached the tract, sleeps much better, its vigilance is reduced. In this situation, only the guard wolf is vigilant. If all the bait laid out by wolves has been eaten, but the organization of the hunt has failed, you need to secretly report carrion. Wolves eat it willingly and remain in the zone of the intended hunting. If this moment is missed, the wolves can leave.