Carp, or carp, is a thermophilic, careful, fast growing fish. Under favorable conditions, by the end of the second year of life, it reaches 500-600 g. In reservoirs, fish weighing 4-6 kg fall into the bait, and some specimens grow to 10-12 kg.
Fishing carp
Carp feeds on worms, insect larvae, small molluscs, young shoots of plants, plant foods that enter the reservoir, in the spring it eats eggs of spawned fish and frogs. In reservoirs, in the warm season, carp lives in the pits of a flooded river bed, oxbow lakes, quarries, in encircled areas of a reservoir at a depth of 3-4 m and necessarily not far from coastal thickets of aquatic vegetation. Carp loves places with a clay or silty bottom, more often it stands near the bottom.
Carp are caught with float and bottom fishing rods from the shore or from a boat on the paths of its course to feeding places, near or between coastal thickets of aquatic vegetation located near the parking places. Fishing requires a strong tackle and the ability to own it. Carp can immediately drag a fishing rod, break even a strong line, unbend or break a hook, break a rod. The tackle must withstand a heavy load, but not be rough, since carp takes worse on rough tackle or does not bite at all. It is better to catch carp with a spinning rod with a reel equipped with a vein of 0.4-0.6 mm in diameter and a strong single hook No. 6 to No. 10 with a short forend. When fishing on a crust of bread from the surface of the water or on potatoes from the bottom, you can use tees with a short forend. In our reservoirs, carp is usually caught from the beginning of May to September.